To Travel Different Roads

Walter Mitty : To see the world, things dangerous to come to, to see behind walls, draw closer, to find each other, and to feel. That is the purpose of life.

To Travel The World

...or to just think about it.

It is easy for me to think about leaving the safety of my home and city.  Actually getting out and seeing what the world has to offer is so much more challenging for me.  My comfort zone is sitting in front of a computer.  I rather love that.

One day I realized that I would either always “think” about the man I wanted to be, or I could take risks and go be that man.  I  have decided to take the risk.  So far it has been a great adventure.




I grew up poor.  My parents never had money and life was always a struggle.   They strongly believed in saving for their kids future and seldom spent any money on themselves.   They always tried to save every penny.

When my parents died, they left behind a small house and a large savings account. This went long way in helping my sister and I  get our lives going.  I will always appreciate what they did for me. I do regret that they did not spend at least a little on themselves to enjoy life a tiny bit more. But that was not their style.

I am trying to follow their example, with the added twist of traveling smartly and affordably.

My world personal adventure… is just me, with my camera, going wherever the road takes me.  I always try to keep myself safe and to do few things that put me in danger.  

It seems to me that the world is big enough that it holds a near endless number of places I can safely visit that are both wonderful and affordable.

Current destinations are Thailand, Philippines, Singapore, New Zealand and Australia.

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It was obvious to me that if I was going to take this adventure seriously, I should buy a real camera instead of using a phone.  I bought a used Nikon D7100  for a very reasonable price and have been extremely happy.

Interestingly enough, having a real camera, rather than using a cell phone has actually helped me on my trips.  People seem to have a different idea of who I am and what I am doing.  Many people just assume I am a professional photographer.  This has already opened up some doors for me that otherwise might be closed.

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Marina Bay Singapore

Elephants of Thailand

Travel The World - World Travel
Travel The World - World Travel